Switching from plain PHP to CodeIgniter |
As per the title, I am looking at switching from writing plain PHP to CodeIgniter.
However, being very very busy I don’t really have time to spend weeks (or even days) fiddling around - I really need to get stuck in. I just wondered how other people did this. Currently I don’t have a “framework” as such, but I do have lots of classes, functions, bits of code and templates that I re-use amongst projects. This means that for a new project I can make progress pretty quickly. I’m worried that being new to CodeIgniter it’s actually going to take me far, far longer than normal to develop a project. The temptation is to just stick with my current method which is fast at the moment, but long term not as good as using a framework. Any advice or suggestions gratefully received.
Best advice is to sit down for a weekend and read the CodeIgniter User Guide.
Also another good read would be on MVC ( Model View Controller ). What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
My advice would be to maintain your current none framework version while learning CI. Give yourself 6 months to a year to develop the next big version with CI framework being the focus of the new release. This should give you time to learn and become familiar with CI MVC framework.
In addition to the things already mentioned you need to have a good understanding of PHP Classes and Objects. CodeIgniter is mostly (but not entirely) about Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
If you are just starting out with OOP and you don't have immediate needs to develop something for the "real world" I suggest you skip CodeIgniter v3 and explore CodeIgniter Version 4 instead. Yes, v4 is still in development - at this time the current version is 4.0.0-beta3 - and while not entirely stable it is good enough for learning the basics. By the time you are ready to do something real a stable release of V4 is likely to be available. The new CodeIgniter is a lot more "modern" in terms of the way it implements OOP. CodeIgniter version 4 is, IMO, actually easier to learn and use than V3. |
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