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BackendPro 0.6.1

Hi adam

I have a view, which renders the main menu of the application
How could you do a conditional echo code to show (or not) the "Control Panel" menuitem for the current user logged? To evaluate in some way if current user can access control panel. Is there already some action set for this? and finally, can I use check() on views?


This is what you want:
// These several lines will check the user has access to the members resource. But
// if they do not instead of redirecting them it will return FALSE. Therefore only
// if they have access will the link be created.
if( check('Control Panel',NULL,FALSE))
    print anchor('<uri_to_control_panel>','Control Panel');

You can use check anywhere, its a function. Views. Controllers. Models. Libraries

Awesome. Thanks Adam!
Please lemme ask you another question...

Plz See:

How can I do to deny access to "Cargadores" group to Control Panel? I think I've made the mistake of creating this group and making it to inherit from Administrator group, right?

I moved the Application folder outside the system folder...how can I correct the error I get now. (This is after a successful install).

*Found it...I hadn't looked at the matchbox...

Is there any application based on backendpro which I can download?

I need some codes to see how this can be used.

Re: Problem with auth/settings access

If you deny system access to a group, that can still access to auth/settings by typing auth/settings in url since it does not have check() in class Settings.

I think it should be changed.

Or am I missing a point?

I'm adding a phone number field to the user_profiles

Here's my validation class:
function edit_phone($phone)
                if (preg_match('/^\(?[0-9]{3}\)?[-. ]?[0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}$/', $phone))
                    return preg_replace("/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/", "$1-$2-$3", $phone);    
                        $this->CI->validation->set_message('phone', "This must be a 10-digit USA phone number.");
                        return FALSE;      

How can I get the return value of this and insert this to the db instead of the user's input?

I'm new to CI, and this is really frustrating me!

Hello everyone i have just in the past week found Codeigniter, and i am really enjoying this program. I have just come across to the backend Pro, and have installed it today. The installation went fine,after installing going to the page. It comes up with a 404 page not found in its pointing to the index.PHP, could someone please respond to this post to help me. I have checked the configuration file in the backend Pro system application config config.php and all systems are correctly pointing to the proper URL. I have the backend Pro installed and the code igniter of the root folder, would this be correct.
URL is http://localhost/codeigniter/backendPro
thank you for your assistance with this matter.

adamp u will relase a version of BackendPro compatible with php-5.3.0 ? If yes can u give a ETA ?
I want to use it but i have php 5.3.0 at work and i get some errors .

@Emanuel01: Yes the next version will be 5.3.0 compatible. Can't give ETA, I don't have enough time to do my normal day to day things let alone extra things.

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