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Connect to MySQL database using SSH

(10-02-2019, 04:57 AM)Digital_Wolf Wrote: Hi again ! Sorry I have not done this in my life, and since I'm from Russia it was easier for me to find the info in my native language... In General, digging a little deeper into this topic, I realized that we need some kind of program that creates a tunnel on port 3306 (this is a standard MySQL port), then you need to write a login and password from the database and try to connect through the usual function mysql_connect("localhost:3306", "user", " pass");

This program is name PuTTY
Hi Digital_Wolf - Thanks for your ideas.  I am familiar with PuTTY and have been using it for many years.  The problem, however, is that I need to connect to the MySQL database behind a firewall and I don't want to have to use PuTTY to get to through the firewall.

I managed to resolve my problem by updating the firewall rules to allow a connection over port 3306 to the required MySQL server.  The firewall I use is called IPCop.  Thanks for your help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Connect to MySQL database using SSH - by DanielAttard - 10-02-2019, 07:58 AM

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