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CodeIgniter 4 Foundations Book

(09-10-2020, 01:12 PM)kilishan Wrote: Nope. That's the way LeanPub is made to operate. By purchasing before it's 100% you get a chance to get the content early, suggest other content, and help spur me along to finish lol.

As mentioned in the LeabPub email - All of the "basics" chapters are done, as are the first 3 projects. There are 6 more projects planned, and I'm working as fast as I can to finish them to up. Unfortunately work has had me on overtime for the last couple of months, so it's taken longer, but you'll get new downloads for each chapter as it's released.

Right now I purchased and downloaded. I hope the new parts of a book coming soon too. Great thanks Lonnie for your work on this book. Smile

(09-10-2020, 01:12 PM)kilishan Wrote: Nope. That's the way LeanPub is made to operate. By purchasing before it's 100% you get a chance to get the content early, suggest other content, and help spur me along to finish lol.

As mentioned in the LeabPub email - All of the "basics" chapters are done, as are the first 3 projects. There are 6 more projects planned, and I'm working as fast as I can to finish them to up. Unfortunately work has had me on overtime for the last couple of months, so it's taken longer, but you'll get new downloads for each chapter as it's released.

Brilliant work Lonnie, really appreciate the effort you're putting in. I purchased too and have read through what's already there.

I'm not sure whether you'd already planned to include this, but I'd love to see an in-depth look at usage of Entities in one of the later projects. I can see the value in them, I just can't quite wrap my head around usage, especially when it comes to relationships between entities. For example, with a 'Recipe' entity, which holds 'Ingredient' entities of its own, how would one 'save' the recipe to the database, including saving the ingredients, without the Recipe entity knowing anything about its storage?

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