CodeIgniter 4.0 is here! |
(02-24-2020, 06:43 AM)John_Betong Wrote: Great news and well worth the three year wait! May I Ask you about app config and server config for using codeigniter 4 in strict_mode? is this way is increasing ci speed? i interested on your serving codeigniter that executed very fast (0,0002 s). I try to add mode_strict to every ci php file, and got error ( 500 internal server error) . Many thanks for your answer/help..
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(02-26-2020, 12:31 AM)eboominathan Wrote: It is very hard to understand the upgrading documentation anyone know how to do upgrade from CI3 to CI4 How to upgrade CI3 to CI4 Hello CI2/3 is differrent from CI4 and i dont think upgrading from CI3 to Ci4 will be easy or benificial. you might want to rewrite your app. Or just use CI3. it is stable anyway
(02-26-2020, 03:18 AM)tomologos Wrote:> May I Ask you about app config and server config for using codeigniter 4 in strict_mode?(02-24-2020, 06:43 AM)John_Betong Wrote: Great news and well worth the three year wait! The source code is available on Github, app directory is original, app-strict is the modifications and system is every PHP file with declare(strict_types=1); inserted int the top of each PHP file. > is this way is increasing ci speed? I use the strict_mode mainly to help with debugging, warnings are usually converted into errors , program execution stops until the errors are fixed. I also think using the strict mode will reduce server processing time because the PHP "type juggling" will be eliminated... Less processing means faster rendering. Following are the modifications made to index.php and errors that required fixing in order to comply with the strict mode. One of these fine days when not busy I will raise Github Pull Request to the CI4 Development Team. > I try to add mode_strict to every ci php file, and got error ( 500 internal server error) . The 500 errors experienced are usually down to the script not being able to perform requested tasks. Try downloading the Github Strict Version which is the actual script used in the online demonstration. I find it is far easier to have script that works then add or modify until it breaks ![]()
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