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Remove timestamp onUpdate save

Hello everyone,

I use CI3 and Adminer on my project. I have a field "contact_create_time", and I would like to save the create timestamp here. In the options on adminer I can't leave blank, I don't know if it's the problem ?

[Image: Capture-d-e-cran-2020-03-09-a-11-34-33.png]

        $this->contact_create_time  = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

        $this->db->insert('contact', $this);

The save is OK. But on update I don't add any update "contact_create_time" and the timestamp are updated...  Undecided

When you save or update the record the database is updating your time field.

That's what the (ON UPDATE) CURRENT_TIMESTAMP means.

If you do not want it to update the field remove that.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

(This post was last modified: 03-09-2020, 08:44 AM by nicolas33770.)

(03-09-2020, 08:42 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: When you save or update the record the database is updating your time field.

That's what the (ON UPDATE) CURRENT_TIMESTAMP means.

If you do not want it to update the field remove that.

Thanks for your help. Yes I know but I can't do that on Adminer interface. It's strange. I save me timestamp on varchar to solve my problem...  Undecided

If adminer doesn’t let you change that, you should use another tool instead of changing it to varchar!

I can change to VARCHAR and I think I can do with SQL too, but I would like to know if the problem come from adminer and not CI... Thanks

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