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BaseController and controller documentation mismatch

Generally speaking all website urls are lowercase. And the only way we can find controllers and methods (automatically) are by setting a naming convention. So the baseline are lowercase urls and not StudlyCaps urls.

Our controller standard are Helloworld, as it's the closes we can come with an url autoloader and PSR-1. And lowercase methods, as it's the closes too camelCase.

Our autoloader are based on namespacing specification in PSR-4 and all subfolders should be StudlyCaps.
PHP Code:

That's why we are enforcing this, to keep it as close to the standard set by PHP-FIG. You can always disable the autoloader and define everything yourself in /app/Config/Routes.php or by extending our /system/Router.php and replacing it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BaseController and controller documentation mismatch - by jreklund - 04-19-2020, 06:51 AM

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