BUG model common function |
PHP Code: $Gg = model( $this->modelGG );
PHP Code: Crud.php
Oops im sr my bad
It worked! Im forgot set 2nd ARG to false $Gg = model( $this->modelGG, false ); $Gi = model( $this->modelGI, false ); var_dump(['gg' => $Gg->table, 'gi' => $Gi->table])
Okey, what does $this->modelGG contain?
protected = 'BAPI\Models\GG\Crud' or something else?
It contain
protected $modelGG = '\BAPI\Models\modelGG\Crud'; protected $modelGI = '\BAPI\Models\modelGI\Crud';
That's odd, it should only be shared on model level, so that you only load GG ones. But it looks like it's picking up something else, maybe the Crud name and assign the previous model again.
I think so. Seems like forgot to delete the old model or something similar.
PHP Code: if (($pos = strrpos($name, '\\')) !== false)
Hi could you try the following (revert the changes made to ModelFactory):
PHP Code: protected $modelGG = '\\BAPI\\Models\\modelGG\\Crud'; Do you get the same result? EDIT: nvm, that should be an escape for \ namespace. Will need to try it out in the weekend.
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