(05-12-2020, 07:14 PM)vitnibel Wrote: In both screenshots, an exception occurs due to "forInvalidFile", when rendering one of the views:
PHP Code:
echo view('templates/headerx', $header);
echo view('utils/artrec');
echo view('templates/footerfb');
Perhaps one or more files were not found or are not where you indicated
This was a great nonsense for those who were starting, 2015, of course, until today, things have not changed that much. The correct one would be a single primary key, id. The two fields, without attributes, are sufficient to make the relationship between player and record, as can be seen below.
public function getAlbums() {
$request = \Config\Services::request();
$uri = $request->uri;
$id = $uri->getSegment(3);
$db = db_connect();
$sql = ("SELECT A.*, PA.* FROM albuns A, players_albuns PA
WHERE PA.player_id=$id AND PA.album_id = A.id ORDER BY ano, posodr, album_id ASC");
$query = $db->query($sql);
return $query->getResult();
The solution was to use a successful page, as in the CRUD tutorial, because in fact the update is done.
I should have already presented the solution but I was in the final steps of converting my site, localhost, from CI3 to CI4, just finished. I can't believe I did it.
Thank you very much for your attention