Hello everyone! I just started learning CodeIgniter 4 and will be very thankful if you help with my problem. In my database I have a table with various products. The table has columns "brand" and "country". I would like to display all the products and add checkboxes for brands and countries so that user can filter the displayed products. Here's my form:
<form method="post" action="<?=base_url('page/view/'.$currentCatalog);?>">
<?php foreach ($filters as $item) : ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="brand[]" value="<?=$item['brand'];?>"><?=$item['brand'];?><br>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ($filters as $item) : ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="country[]" value="<?=$item['country'];?>"><?=$item['country'];?><br>
<?php endforeach ?>
<input type="submit">
In my controller I get the post data and send it to the model (I am not showing you all the code, this $catalog is not important):
$postFilters = $this->request->getPost();
$data = [
'catalog' => $model->displayItems($catalog, $postFilters),
After submitting the form $postFilters looks like this:
Array ( [brand] => Array ( [0] => someBrand) [country] => Array ( [0] => someCountry)
In my model I use this query:
$items = $this->where('catalog', $catalog)
return $items;
If one brand and/or one country are selected in the form, everything works fine. But if I select more than one country or brand, I get error:
mysqli_sql_exception #4078
Illegal parameter data types varchar and row for operation '='
Could you please help me solve this? "Brand" and "Country" will not be the only parameters in the form, I will add more, so my query has to be dynamic.