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CI 4 featured in php[architect] magazine

Haven't read the article yet, but just got notified that the latest issue of php[architect] includes an article on CI4. Pretty exciting news!

Greate news here i believe my self that ci4 will rise more than see. I love this framework more than any others

Great! Will need to pay up and read it in the weekend to come. :-)

I did end up reading it over lunch. Good overview. He was positive about it, and sounds like he will have another continuing article next month. So that's awesome.

Thanks for sharing the article!

(06-04-2020, 09:26 AM)kilishan Wrote: Haven't read the article yet, but just got notified that the latest issue of php[architect] includes an article on CI4. Pretty exciting news!

@kilishan, Thanks for the HEADS UP!

I just read the article.  It's a good plug for CI4.

Yeayyy happy to see it

What makes me comfort and gives freedoom is - "without having to learn a lot of framework vendor-specific functionality". And they mention it.

It sounds like a great article to read! We'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for letting us know!

@kilishan, Thanks you.
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