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Welcoming Michal Sniatala aboard

Last week Michal Sniatala agreed to take a bigger role in the community as an official moderator/gatekeeper/probably-should-have-thought-of-a-real-title over at the GitHub repo. He will be joining Matthew Gatner and myself in reviewing and merging/declining PRs and issues to the core framework.

Michal has been active for quite a while and we welcome the additional set of hands to keep the project moving forward.

Welcome aboard!

Good news.

I congratulate him for his decision.  The more contribution, the stronger the CodeIgniter is.

Glad to hear this. I appreciate Michal's decision.

Thanks very much Michal!!

(Using CodeIgniter since 1.x)


Welcome to the community!!

Oh... I feel like Internet Explorer right now... I should notice this thread earlier. Thanks for the welcome everybody Smile

good news, thanks Michal!

(This post was last modified: 06-28-2020, 03:02 PM by developerkwame.)

Great, I'm happy my favorite PHP framework keeps growing stronger and stronger. Thanks Michal for joining hands with the already great Killshan and Matthew

This is great news. Thanks Michal.
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