Welcoming Michal Sniatala aboard |
Last week Michal Sniatala agreed to take a bigger role in the community as an official moderator/gatekeeper/probably-should-have-thought-of-a-real-title over at the GitHub repo. He will be joining Matthew Gatner and myself in reviewing and merging/declining PRs and issues to the core framework.
Michal has been active for quite a while and we welcome the additional set of hands to keep the project moving forward. Welcome aboard!
I congratulate him for his decision. The more contribution, the stronger the CodeIgniter is.
Oh... I feel like Internet Explorer right now... I should notice this thread earlier. Thanks for the welcome everybody
Great, I'm happy my favorite PHP framework keeps growing stronger and stronger. Thanks Michal for joining hands with the already great Killshan and Matthew
This is great news. Thanks Michal.
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