I have also been following David for years and have watched most of his videos, while I respect and thank him for the content he has provided covering Codeigniter, I too am disappointed in the path he has gone down of late, and feel his energies could be better spent.
He has always praised CI above any other framework and I know after creating the initial code generator that he reached out to express his interest in taking over/being involved with CI multiple times to no avail. Maybe this, coupled with the stagnation over the recent years accounts for some of his bitterness.
Although it’s safe to say his social filter is, well, not there, I do feel he raises some valid points. I too share his frustration with today's situation, seeing the lack of adoption and support that once made it great. Personally, I feel this is simply due to the rewrite taking too long and the unwillingness to adopt HMVC into the core framework; which many CI developers enjoy using.
While I respect the contributors and completely understand the argument that anybody complaining about this could have easily helped out themselves. I feel in a world of fast-changing tech, it is clear devs need to swim with the current and not against it and will move to the most adopted and supported frameworks.
Re his points against packages etc;
developing is about the layering of technologies and working together not trying to reinvent the wheel each time, or we certainly wouldn’t be where we are today, further, I don't think its realistic to think that one person has the resource available to do everything themselves. This is why I was surprised when David decided to ditch CI, remove all of his videos, and create his own framework to work with his second version of his code generator, adopting the CI syntax. In my eyes, it would have been more profitable selling a code generator to the established CI community.
Everything aside, credit to the CI team we now have a CI4 that is modular! Personally loving using it and can see a great future
I would be very interested to hear what David was going to propose and what prompted this conversation, was it to stoke the fire and see if there is anything left with the intent of perhaps, offering a pivot from his TG framework and incorporating the tech into CI, adopting the community and moving forward together... or was it simply a TG plug, in which case really hasn't worked.