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How to integrate swoole and codeigniter

Quote:If someone was to integrate the high performance asynchronous framework known as Swoole, where do they start?

There exists swoole implementations of laravel, thinkphp, ubiquity.All of which boost the performance of their respective frameworks.However, there isn't any good one for CI4.

I know(I think) its going to a tough job but I am prepared.I will like toi create a swoole extension for codeigniter to be released on github and in my app.But I havr no idea where to start.I know how swoole works but I don't know how to implement in CI4.

Do I edit the system files, which modules will require swoole, will it require a different route engine etc

Someone please point me in the right direction.

Messages In This Thread
How to integrate swoole and codeigniter - by Ceo - 07-11-2020, 07:14 AM

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