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CodeIgniter v4.0.4 released

(11-30-2021, 06:07 AM)junipermahate Wrote: hi, I need help.
Yeah I can see that!  Tongue

Informative Information on version 4.0.4. Thanks

Hi there... I'm just a newbie in CI4 and I'm having a problem in terms of results produced by query builder. Here's the scenario:
My table_1 in postgres has 6763 rows but the query builder produces only 6540 rows....
This is my sample code base on the documentation

$db      = \Config\Database::connect();
$builder = $db->table('table_1');
$bus_permit_info2  = $builder->get()->getResult();


Please help its been almost a week searching for the right answer for this problem.
Thank you in advance....

There's a new command() helper that will let you call any CLI commands within your code. This can be useful for testing and for use within cron jobs.

A new command, cache:clear allows you to purge your cache storage from the cli.

The image library now supports webp images, thanks to nicojmb and michalsn.

Testing of the framework has increased, mostly due to the diligent efforts of samsonasik.

thank you so much for a great job.

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