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Got an error "Decrypting: authentication failed" while using Encryption service

Hi, in my project I need to store category id in category edit page inside a hidden field. Then, after form submit I want to update that particular category. To achieve this, in a secured approach, I used Encryption service of CodeIgniter 4.

Note: In the App\Config\Encryption.php file, I already set the "base 64" encoded value for "key" property that I got after executing createKey() static function of the Encryption class. 

Also, I included that Encryption class with its namespace that is "CodeIgniter\Encryption\Encryption".

Below code is for the editCategory function, where I create the encryption key, then using that key I encrypt category id. Finally, I pass that to the "edit_category" view file.

PHP Code:
public function editCategory($categoryId) {
$data = [];
$data['title'] = 'Edit Category';

         * Access Configuration settings for the Encryption file
$config config('Encryption');

         * Generate base64 encoded representation of the encryption key
$key base64_encode(Encryption::createKey(32));

$configuration = new \Config\Encryption();
$configuration->key $key;
$configuration->driver 'OpenSSL';
$encrypter = \Config\Services::encrypter($configuration);

$categoryModel = new CategoryModel();
$category $categoryModel->where('id'$categoryId)->first();
$categoryId $category['id'];

$encryptedCategoryId $encrypter->encrypt($categoryId);
// echo $encryptedCategoryId;die;

$data['category'] = $category;
$data['categoryId'] = $encryptedCategoryId;


In edit_category.php file, I pass the encrypted category id to the updateCategory function.

Code snippet for hidden field in edit_category.php is written below.

PHP Code:
  <input type="hidden" name="categoryId" value="<?= isset($categoryId) ? $categoryId : ''  ?>"

Codes for updateCategory function is shown below, in that function I wanted to display the decrypted version of the category id.

PHP Code:
public function updateCategory() {
$data = [];
$data['title'] = 'Edit Category';

$validation = \Config\Services::validation(); 
$rules $validation->getRuleGroup('categoryCreate');

$this->validate($rules)) {

$data['validation'] = $this->validator;

        } else {

$catId $this->request->getPost('categoryId');
// configure the encryption service properly, before decrypting
$config = new \Config\Encryption();
// load the Encryption.php file's configuration settings
$configValues config('Encryption');
$config->key base64_decode($configValues->key);
$config->driver 'OpenSSL';

$encrypter = \Config\Services::encrypter($config);

$decryptedCatId $encrypter->decrypt($catId);
'category id: '$decryptedCatId);


Have I done any mistake? Please help.

Messages In This Thread
Got an error "Decrypting: authentication failed" while using Encryption service - by nileshsanyal - 09-25-2020, 05:22 AM

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