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Query Builder's insert method return type

Hey there,

I'm trying to insert some data into a database using the Query Builder's insert method.

According to the documentation, the insert method returns a boolean value.

However, the function seems to return a database result object upon success. The source appears to confirm this: https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni....php#L2249

PHP Code:
$success $this->db->table('MyTable')

if (
$success !== TRUE) {
  return FALSE;

Is this deviation between the documentation and the actual behavior intentional?
How can I check that the insert statement completed successfully? Can I be sure that the insert statement always returns false on failure?

I appreciate any input Smile

Messages In This Thread
Query Builder's insert method return type - by Lorenz - 10-13-2020, 08:17 AM

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