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Brand new youtube series about Codeigniter 4

Hi guys, I've been making a few youtube videos about Codeigniter 4.

Today I published the first video on the final part of these series. On it its just a simple codeigniter install via composer but the purpose of this video is to create a contact manager. This will make me go around and talk about subject like:

- Authentication
- Form Validation
- Model events
- CRUD Models
- Database connections
- views and layouts
- Routing

All the basic things that one needs to work.

Here's the first video.


If anyone has any recommendations about the project please tell me. Smile
Website: marcomonteiro.net  | Blog: blog.marcomonteiro.net | Twitter: @marcogmonteiro | TILThings: tilthings.com

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Brand new youtube series about Codeigniter 4 - by marcogmonteiro - 10-15-2020, 01:51 PM

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