Im trying to start development in codeigniter 4 and I have a little problem with web caching. I have blog where there's for example articles with comments. I would like to cache all pages but whenever user add a comment page needs to be refreshed. How I can manually delete cached page?
PHP Code:
public function show(string $title='', int $id=0)
$commentModel = new CommentsModel();
$this->dataOutput['art'] = $this->artData;
$this->dataOutput['title'] = $this->artData->art_title;
$this->dataOutput['desc'] = character_limiter(strip_tags($this->artData->art_desc),150);
$this->dataOutput['file'] = 'art';
$this->dataOutput['comments'] = $commentModel->getArtComments($this->artId)->getResult();
return view($this->template,$this->dataOutput);
Do I need to clean all cached pages ($cache->clean()) or there's any way to delete choosen cached pages?
Thanks in advance for any help