(11-06-2020, 12:26 PM)captain-sensible Wrote: you might not need a substitute since you can use isset. For example
I have a form with a submit button input as follows :
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-info"value="submit" />
//the key thing here is the name of the button which is submit
in the controller that processes what was submitted from the form, i could check to see if the button was clicked with submit.
As follows :
echo isset($_POST['submit']);
i'm playing with forms at the moment and checked this still works , output was "1".
Thank you so much.
will be there any harm of mixing PHP core framework code with CI 4 code. like isset is PHP core framework code especially security risk
Thank you so much.
will be there any harm of mixing PHP core framework code with CI 4 code. like isset is PHP core framework code especially security risk