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I dont like composer, am I a bad person?

I see composer growing up so much, never used until now just because I love CI so much and I think v4 is so awesome but after trying composer and seeing that vendor folder full of things I prefer to put addons manually in my environment.

For experts, what do you do with that vendor folder?  My app is working fine without all those things composer puts there but I see almost all packages you look for are using composer.

For example I created a new app, then installed only hashids library ( https://github.com/vinkla/hashids ) and resulted in vendor folder like you can see in attached img but in my current project i dont even have a vendor folder ci files are under system dir and everything is ok.

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Messages In This Thread
I dont like composer, am I a bad person? - by jnar - 11-19-2020, 07:24 AM

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