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I dont like composer, am I a bad person?

Quote:Why does the vendor directory bother you?  If your app is working fine with the dependencies that composer installs, why worry about it?  I don't understand why anyone would want to waste their time dealing with dependencies manually. Do you actually want to go to each dependency's website and download an individual zip file, unzip it, copy and paste it into your project directory, and then do that all over again when you need to update it for 50 different libraries?  Why would anyone want to create this extra work for themselves? Please help me understand.

Why It bothers me?  Because I dont know what is all that  things composer puts there, what to do with all that?  I install a package and have 20 other folders there.

Im sorry I dont know what extra work are you talking about.  Take my example of hashids repo, instead of issuing a command and watch how it fills my vendor's folder of lots of things I dont know where they came I just downloaded the package to ThirdParty and add it to autoload, works like a charm.

Im sorry Im just trying to understand all this composer fever havent really used before.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I dont like composer, am I a bad person? - by jnar - 11-19-2020, 12:03 PM

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