SimpleAdmin - Boilerplate Ci4 Admin Dashboard |
I shared with you last week an auth library i had been working on - SimpleAuth available at
I wanted to showcase what the auth library could do and was already putting together a boilerplate admin dashboard built on the backbone of SimpleAuth @FlavioSuar pointed me in the direction of the Halfmoon css framework and i just loved the simplicity and clean design. So SimpleAdmin had to use it! Comes with all the features of SimpleAuth :
Take it for a test drive at and let me know your feedback I will be putting this up on Codecanyon for a while, then make it available via its own site. I will be working on a range of plugins to build out the functionality of a fully blown admin dashboard module by module. I will make this available for FREE for anyone on this forum for the next couple of weeks, just let me know if you want a copy and i'll send the zip file over. Why not just open source it and make it free for ever? I have to pay the bills and put food on the table so charging a few quid will allow me to continue working on all of the expansion modules. You can however grab SimpleAuth and build out your own great admin. Screenshots : |
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