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SimpleAdmin - Boilerplate Ci4 Admin Dashboard

I'm currently making a few tweaks and will get this available to everyone.

I ditched the idea of hosting on code canyon and will open source the entire project. I may do a 'pro' paid version with more features but for now I'm concentrating on getting this version uploaded for everyone to use, try and offer feedback on.

As its built on the backbone of SimpleAuth I've also been making some modifications to the core files of SimpleAuth to make integration into different projects easier.

My whole idea for both projects is to work in a modular way and help people build out applications fast by using different 'modules' of code that are all independent of each other yet work seamlessly together.

If anyone wants to help contribute to either project give me a shout at [email protected]

Messages In This Thread
RE: SimpleAdmin - Boilerplate Ci4 Admin Dashboard - by Geeklabs - 12-04-2020, 12:01 PM

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