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11-29-2020, 02:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2020, 02:21 AM by pippuccio76.)
HI , i try to implement a filter to control if admin is authenticated :
Code: <?php namespace App\Filters;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
class AdminFiltersAuth implements FilterInterface
* Do whatever processing this filter needs to do.
* By default it should not return anything during
* normal execution. However, when an abnormal state
* is found, it should return an instance of
* CodeIgniter\HTTP\Response. If it does, script
* execution will end and that Response will be
* sent back to the client, allowing for error pages,
* redirects, etc.
* @param \CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface $request
* @param array|null $params
* @return mixed
public function before(RequestInterface $request, $params = null)
// if no user is logged in then send them to the login form
if (!session()->get('admin_id'))
session()->set('redirect_url', current_url());
return redirect()->to( base_url().'/admin/login');
* Allows After filters to inspect and modify the response
* object as needed. This method does not allow any way
* to stop execution of other after filters, short of
* throwing an Exception or Error.
* @param \CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface $request
* @param \CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface $response
* @param array|null $arguments
* @return void
public function after(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $arguments = null)
} // End of YourFilterName Class.
i want filter every controller's method except login to prevent loop redirect
in Config/Filter this is my code:
Code: <?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Filters extends BaseConfig
// Makes reading things below nicer,
// and simpler to change out script that's used.
public $aliases = [
'csrf' => \CodeIgniter\Filters\CSRF::class,
'toolbar' => \CodeIgniter\Filters\DebugToolbar::class,
'honeypot' => \CodeIgniter\Filters\Honeypot::class,
'adminFiltersAuth' => \App\Filters\AdminFiltersAuth::class,
'adminFiltersNoAuth' => \App\Filters\AdminFiltersNoAuth::class,
'showSessionFilter' => \App\Filters\ShowSessionFilter::class,
// Always applied before every request
public $globals = [
'before' => [
// 'csrf',
'after' => [
// Works on all of a particular HTTP method
// (GET, POST, etc) as BEFORE filters only
// like: 'post' => ['CSRF', 'throttle'],
public $methods = [];
// List filter aliases and any before/after uri patterns
// that they should run on, like:
// 'isLoggedIn' => ['before' => ['account/*', 'profiles/*']],
public $filters = [
'adminFiltersAuth' => ['before' => ['admin/*'] ],
'adminFiltersAuth' => ['except' => ['admin/login']],
'adminFiltersNoAuth' => ['before' => ['admin/login']],
but if i go to ade admin/changeEmail if the admin are not logged in mut im not redirected .
in route if i insert this code :
Code: $routes->add('admin/changeEmail', 'Admin::changeEmail',['filter'=>'adminFiltersAuth']);
it works fine but in some controller i want to filter every method and is too boring write a route with filter for every metods
Why ?
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If you setup your base_url correct then it already has the ending / slash on it.
PHP Code: public function before(RequestInterface $request, $params = null) { // if no user is logged in then send them to the login form if (!session('admin_id') { session()->set('redirect_url', current_url());
return redirect()->to(base_url('admin/login')); } }
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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11-29-2020, 11:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2020, 11:19 PM by tgix.)
(11-29-2020, 02:18 AM)pippuccio76 Wrote: it works fine but in some controller i want to filter every method and is too boring write a route with filter for every metods
Why ? I agree, the routes file can easily become unwieldy and extensive.
Have you looked at the $routes->group() function https://codeigniter4.github.io/userguide...ing-routes which may reduce some typing at least?
Real-world example. In my case I went from this:
PHP Code: // Routes for handling Companies $routes->options('companies/(.+)', 'Options::index'); $routes->get('companies/proctors', 'Companies::proctors', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']); $routes->get('companies/findusers', 'Companies::find_users_to_link', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']); $routes->post('companies/link', 'Companies::post_link', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']); $routes->post('companies/linkmanage', 'Companies::post_linkmanage', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']); $routes->get('companies/(:segment)/employees', 'Companies::get_employees/$1', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']); $routes->delete('companies/(:segment)/employees', 'Companies::delete_employees/$1', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']);
To this:
PHP Code: $routes->options('companies/(.+)', 'Options::index'); $routes->group('companies', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp'], function($routes) { $routes->get('proctors', 'Companies::proctors'); $routes->get('findusers', 'Companies::find_users_to_link'); $routes->post('link', 'Companies::post_link'); $routes->post('linkmanage', 'Companies::post_linkmanage'); $routes->get('(:segment)/employees', 'Companies::get_employees/$1'); $routes->delete('(:segment)/employees', 'Companies::delete_employees/$1'); }); $routes->resource('companies', ['controller' => 'Companies', 'filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']);
A bit more readable I think and also reduces the risk of typos.
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(11-29-2020, 01:25 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: If you setup your base_url correct then it already has the ending / slash on it.
PHP Code: public function before(RequestInterface $request, $params = null) { // if no user is logged in then send them to the login form if (!session('admin_id') { session()->set('redirect_url', current_url());
return redirect()->to(base_url('admin/login')); } }
If i dont use slash im redirecting to www.mywebsite.com/admin/admin/login with a 404...
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12-02-2020, 04:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2020, 04:59 AM by pippuccio76.)
(12-01-2020, 01:49 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: www.mywebsite.com/admin/admin/login
Your showing two admin is admin a sub-folder? If so you need to also pass that in the route.
Show us your folder dump.
This is my folder in / there are :
-file index.php
in codeigniter there are :
-file .env
In the index.php file :
$pathsPath = realpath(FCPATH . 'codeigniter/app/Config/Paths.php');
This is the row in .env :
app.baseURL = 'https://rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.it/'
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Toh... un altro italiano che "litiga" con ci4!!!!!!!
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PHP Code: $routes->options('companies/(.+)', 'Options::index'); $routes->group('companies', ['filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp'], function($routes) { $routes->get('proctors', 'Companies::proctors'); $routes->get('findusers', 'Companies::find_users_to_link'); $routes->post('link', 'Companies::post_link'); $routes->post('linkmanage', 'Companies::post_linkmanage'); $routes->get('(:segment)/employees', 'Companies::get_employees/$1'); $routes->delete('(:segment)/employees', 'Companies::delete_employees/$1'); }); $routes->resource('companies', ['controller' => 'Companies', 'filter' => 'bearer-auth:comp']);
Can you explain the first and last row ?
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12-03-2020, 01:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2020, 01:37 PM by tgix.)
First line sets up a catch-all for OPTIONS pre-flight requests to companies/ (could probably use (:any) instead of (.+) )
The last line is a convenient function to set up RESTful methods (get, update, create etc...) for companies (see https://codeigniter4.github.io/userguide...rce-routes)