To many redirect |
Hi, i do normally not work with Codelgniter... I moved a website from a host to Strato, with Fillezilla i downloaded the ftp and uploaded it to the Strato host page. When opening the website i get the message; To many redirects...
Check your base_url,
Check your Router, Check your Controller - method for the home page. If you have no idea about CodeIgniter or any of the things I have written above please read some tutorials on internet. Plus, you should also check your version. Is it CodeIgniter 3 or 2 or maybe the latest one: 4 ? Or find someone who can check your system for you.
Also, make sure the ftp copy didn’t missed the .htaccess file. Depending of the settings of your ftp software, it may be hidden. It will not work if it’s missing.
Hi thanks for the replys.
Htacces file is uploaded. Just to be a bit more clearer about my question; I want to move the website from one host to another host. From the old host i downloaded the ftp with filezilla. Then i uploaded the whole file to the new host with filezilla. I changed the database file in the config to the database information from the new host. If i try to open the website now i get the message; ...redirected you too many times.
Can you please paste here your home or index method in your controller ?
And also router please. If you can provide some code samples here, we will have a chance to diagnose it directly.
oke, i found out the website is build with CodeIgniter 3.1.4
Where can i find the "home or index method in the controller"? And also in which folder the router... In whitch folder? sorry new to PHP...appreciate al the help!!! ![]() (12-28-2020, 02:45 AM)demyr Wrote: Can you please paste here your home or index method in your controller ?BELOW THE CODE OUT MY CONTROLLER - i am new to php, so i do not know which part of the code is needed... <?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * Class Frontend_Controller */ class Frontend_Controller extends MX_Controller { public $settings; /** * Frontend_Controller constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model("pages/pages_model"); $this->init(); } public function init() { $this->config->set_item('base_url', '/'); $config = [ 'paths' => ['./application/modules/', VIEWPATH], ]; $this->load->library('twig', $config); // Blog instellingen ophalen $this->load->model("blog/blogsettings_model", "blogsettings_model"); $blog_page = $this->pages_model->get($this->blogsettings_model->get()["id_page"]); $this->settings["blog"]["page"] = $blog_page; // Maand namen bepalen $this->months = ["", "januari", "februari", "maart", "april", "mei", "juni", "juli", "augustus", "september", "oktober", "november", "december"]; } /** * @param $tpl * @param array $args */ public function tpl($tpl, $args = []) { $args["is_admin"] = $this->session->userdata("hash") ? 1 : 0; $args["settings"] = $this->settings; $args["base_url"] = '/'; $args['copy_date'] = date('Y'); echo $this->twig->render($tpl, $args); } } /** * Class Backend_Controller */ class Backend_Controller extends MX_Controller { /** * Backend_Controller constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->init(); } /** * */ public function init() { $this->load->model("administrators/administrators_model"); $this->config->set_item('base_url','/admin'); $this->authorised(); $config = [ 'paths' => ['./application/modules/', VIEWPATH], ]; $this->load->library('twig', $config); } /** * @param $tpl * @param array $args */ public function tpl($tpl, $args = []) { $args["base_url"] = '/'; echo $this->twig->render($tpl, $args); } /** * */ public function authorised() { $administrator = $this->administrators_model->get_by_hash($this->session->userdata("hash")); if ((! $this->session->userdata("hash") && $this->uri->segment("2") != "authorised") || $this->session->userdata("hash") && ! $administrator["id"] && $this->uri->segment("2") != "authorised") { redirect("authorised"); } } } BELOW THE CODE OUT MY ROUTER <?php (defined('BASEPATH')) OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); /* load the MX_Router class */ require APPPATH."third_party/MX/Router.php"; class MY_Router extends MX_Router {}
Check check project session array variables which variable use for check valid user that variable does not exist in this session array that's why it cause that's the problem (too-many-redirects). Check it's your session array or other variables.
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