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Email Template

Hey Guys, 

I'm relativly new in CI4 and im having problem with my email sending.

We have different emails we want to send from our website. Its working good the email are going out. But now we don't want to just send a email we want to have a template around the mail.

So I created a emailhead.php in the app/view folder and also a emailbody.php in the same folder and I just want to load it into my controller before the actual message.

I tried to do

$message = $this->load->view('emailhead.php');
$message .= 'The text of the email';
$message .= $this->load->view('emailfooter.php');

But I allways get an error 


Undefined property: App\Controllers\Email::$load

I appriciate all of your help, thanks

I do not know what result you wanted to get using the CI3 code in CI4.
It's time to read the documentation

a simple approach perhaps might be to assign the content of your template, which can contain html syntax to a controller class member via heredoc
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class Sendmail extends Controller
   protected $totalMessage;    
   protected $headerTemplate=<<<EOT
//note no indent above
then in a method
$this->totalMessage= $this->headerTemplate." other string content".$this->headerFooter;

send $totalMessage;
CMS CI4     I use Arch Linux by the way 

Arch Book

(02-07-2021, 08:16 PM)Gehasi Wrote: Hey Guys, 

I'm relativly new in CI4 and im having problem with my email sending.

We have different emails we want to send from our website. Its working good the email are going out. But now we don't want to just send a email we want to have a template around the mail.

So I created a emailhead.php in the app/view folder and also a emailbody.php in the same folder and I just want to load it into my controller before the actual message.

I tried to do

$message = $this->load->view('emailhead.php');
$message .= 'The text of the email';
$message .= $this->load->view('emailfooter.php');

But I allways get an error 


Undefined property: App\Controllers\Email::$load

I appriciate all of your help, thanks

Hello, i have the same trouble in ci3 you can use $this->load->view('template.php'); but not in ci4
you can do it this

PHP Code:
$email = \Config\Services::email();
        $parser = \Config\Services::parser();
        $evento 'Activar cuenta';
        $texto 'Para terminar su proceso de registro haga click en la siguiente dirección o copiando la misma en su navegador.';
        $data = array( 'liga' => base_url().'index.php/registro/activacion/'.$id.'/'.$codigo'correo' => $correo'texto' => $texto'evento' => $evento );
        $body $parser->setData($data)->render('template/emails/correo');        
        $email->setFrom($config['SMTPUser'], 'Sistema Reseller');

in parser you template use pseudo-variables




(This post was last modified: 03-30-2021, 04:53 AM by InsiteFX.)

You can still do it but you have to use the view render.

PHP Code:
public function sendEmail()
   $view Services::renderer();


   $send $view->render('email_template');

   // you would assign this to your email
   echo $send;

Just an example.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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