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Pager Error Invalid file: Pagers(slash)bs_full.php

(This post was last modified: 02-22-2021, 03:18 PM by Corsari.)

Hello, I really thank you so much for helping

Yes I confirm that both bs_full.php and bs_simple.php are in this path

and they opens fine in the Visual Code Studio editor

I gently recall that from this development notebook
- I copied the whole app directory into the shared www folder in the NAS
- that here in the notebook, with XAMPP with same php version, everything works fine

here is a screenshot of the bs_full.php https://ibb.co/JxNqQKm
(it is opened directly from the NAS, I kindly recall that on the NAS I have shared the www directory)

side note: to make the database connection to work, in the .env file on the NAS I had to use localhost:3306 (weird, default port, but it was not connecting. I had to add the colon and the port number. Could be an analogue issue but under some different aspect?)

Also the exception message is slightly cryptic since it says "invalid file" it is not saying "missing file" or "file not found"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pager Error Invalid file: Pagers(slash)bs_full.php - by Corsari - 02-22-2021, 03:08 PM

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