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Pager Error Invalid file: Pagers(slash)bs_full.php

(02-23-2021, 01:26 AM)Corsari Wrote: Probably you don't have Pagers namespace. <--- hello! thank you for your kind help .. where do you mean it is missing that namespace?

Just to check/fix it

I don't mean you missed namespace setting.
I mean it is strange that you don't set the namespace but it works on your local.

First of all, a view file is not a class file. So it is not PHP's real namespace.
But CI4 provides as if it is namespaced.
See https://codeigniter4.github.io/CodeIgnit...aced-views

And the default app namespace is `App`, and its directory is app.
So if you have app/Views/Pagers/bs_full.php, it is stated as `App\Views\Pagers\bs_full`.

If you want to write `Pagers\bs_full`, you also have to set the namespace `Pagers`.
And in that case, probably you want to have Pagers module.

If you really want to set namespace,
see https://codeigniter4.github.io/CodeIgnit...namespaces

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pager Error Invalid file: Pagers(slash)bs_full.php - by kenjis - 02-23-2021, 04:27 AM

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