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set_flashdata stays open

(03-18-2021, 02:27 PM)php_rocs Wrote: @pedreitor,

This line should be at the footer of the page.  Not the header.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/toastr.js/latest/js/toastr.min.js"></script>

Try the above.
see example code: view-source:https://codeseven.github.io/toastr/demo.html
Hi again, php_rocs.

I have managed to make it work, with SweetAlert I have managed to get the messages to appear correctly on the screen. But the original problem reappears.

It seems that the set_flashdata messages remain active during all the time, because when I redirect the page or change to another link, the SweetAlert message appears again.

This leads me to think that somehow these flash_data messages stay in the session and the code detects that it has just arrived, so it shows the message again on the screen.

Any idea why this is happening?

Thank you in advance again! You are helping me so much.

Messages In This Thread
set_flashdata stays open - by pedreitor - 03-16-2021, 04:16 AM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by php_rocs - 03-16-2021, 06:55 AM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by pedreitor - 03-17-2021, 09:05 AM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by php_rocs - 03-18-2021, 08:04 AM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by pedreitor - 03-18-2021, 12:03 PM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by php_rocs - 03-18-2021, 02:27 PM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by pedreitor - 03-22-2021, 12:12 PM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by pedreitor - 03-22-2021, 02:20 PM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by InsiteFX - 03-22-2021, 08:45 PM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by pedreitor - 03-23-2021, 03:24 AM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by php_rocs - 03-23-2021, 06:29 AM
RE: set_flashdata stays open - by demyr - 03-23-2021, 02:20 PM

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