i have a SignupController with some methods in it.
these methods use the $session object, which is declared in BaseController::initController(), and everything works fine.
BaseController, i only declared the protected $session property and initialized in initController():
PHP Code:
namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\CLIRequest;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* Class BaseController
* BaseController provides a convenient place for loading components
* and performing functions that are needed by all your controllers.
* Extend this class in any new controllers:
* class Home extends BaseController
* For security be sure to declare any new methods as protected or private.
class BaseController extends Controller
* Instance of the main Request object.
* @var IncomingRequest|CLIRequest
protected $request;
* An array of helpers to be loaded automatically upon
* class instantiation. These helpers will be available
* to all other controllers that extend BaseController.
* @var array
protected $helpers = [];
protected $session;
* Constructor.
* @param RequestInterface $request
* @param ResponseInterface $response
* @param LoggerInterface $logger
public function initController(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, LoggerInterface $logger)
// Do Not Edit This Line
parent::initController($request, $response, $logger);
// Preload any models, libraries, etc, here.
// E.g.: $this->session = \Config\Services::session();
$this->session = session();
i want the SignupController to be accessible only if the session isn't set, so i used to to an if like this in the multiple methods of the SignupController
PHP Code:
if ($this->session->is_logged_id) {
return redirect()->to("/")
the fact is that i'm trying to refactor everything for better readability and i decided to create a constructor in the SignupController and move the above if in it, so the code looks like this:
PHP Code:
namespace App\Controllers\Signup;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RedirectResponse;
class SignupController extends BaseController {
* when an instance of this class is created
* redirect if the user is already logged in
public function __construct() {
if ($this->session->is_logged_in) {
return redirect()->to("/");
* shows the signup page
public function index() {
// do stuff...
echo view("signup");
public function signup() {
// do stuff...
the problem is that it's like BaseController::initController() is called after my own constructor, so the $session property is set only after the execution of my SignupController::__constructor()
i say this because i tried to do a var_dump() of the $session property inside of SignupController::__constructor() and the output is null, but if i try to do the same thing in the other SignupController methods i can actually see that $session is an object with its properties and methods...