I saw this thread asking for help with documentation, when I was looking for the documentation status.
My question was: is the online documentation up to date, or out of date? As a complete newbie I notice the documentation says "A fresh install has six directories: /app, /system, /public, /writable, /tests and possibly /docs." But my fresh installation (via Scriptaculous) is different. It has these top-level directories: /app, /public, /tests, /vendor, /writable This makes me think the documenation is not up to date, which is of some concern as I will have to rely on docs (and forum).
Also, the "First Application" tutorial Pages.php has this:
namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class Pages extends Controller
which differs from the fresh installation Home.php which has this:
namespace App\Controllers;
class Home extends BaseController
Should I be concerned by these differences? Are they deliberate or do they represent out of date documentation?