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birds eye view of Codeigniter

i have placed this thread in the lounge (off topic) because i consider thoughts about coding "on topic" and what i have to say is not about coding but more of branding and marketing. 
I'm posting this not as a criticism but simply  from an objective view; you may not like it but I think my thinking holds credibility. 
If you look at https://learncodeigniter.net/  a great idea and resource; its using wordpress . So what that  site is saying to me and the world is that even for a simple site,  those that contribute to Ci4 make wordpress as their first choice for a web rather than the framework they are contributing to.
Its not setting a good example. It should be the case that CI4 is pliable to be first the choice for simple  web say blogs and up.My estimation is that there are more entry level web users in the world that experts; which is why WP is so popular. The thinking has to be more along the lines of embracing entry level coders.
But why should any entry level coder look at CI4 if those contributing to CI4 don't make CI4 their 1st choice for a web ?

As i have said before i got a simple CMS working and its live. I would "put it out there" but theres a few issues loading it to github ; for one if someone really wants to use it they will want it as i have in development with gulp or grunt to run SCSS and all the node modules of Bootstrapap for front end. Last time i tried the total file size was too much for github.

Anyway i'm saying focus purely on code is not enough.
CMS CI4     I use Arch Linux by the way 

Arch Book

(This post was last modified: 07-07-2021, 04:53 AM by paliz.)

Thank you

Its great help for new ci developers
Enlightenment  Is  Freedom

I agree and wish more time is spent developing common useful utilities rather than rewriting existing PHP functionality such as error reporting and sessions. Both PHP Native functions are tried and tested by thousands of developers... far more than adequate.

I would be grateful for a link to the CMS.

By copyright law they are in violation, I once had the name learncodigniter.com and I had to get permission to use the
name codeigniter form Rick Ellis when he owned CodeIgniter. I still have the email he sent me here. That is why they
are using ,net
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

I understand his choice for using WordPress, if the content presented is the main focus, it doesn't make sense to spend time creating a basic CMS for it if there are already lots of CMSs out there. But yes, as a marketing point of view, i agree that using WordPress is really not good. What i think it would be really nice to have is a sort of official Codeigniter blog when the new landing page is done. A place where everyone from the community could contribute perhaps, that would make it really content rich.

(07-07-2021, 02:32 AM)captain-sensible Wrote: If you look at https://learncodeigniter.net/  a great idea and resource; its using wordpress . So what that  site is saying to me and the world is that even for a simple site,  those that contribute to Ci4 make wordpress as their first choice for a web rather than the framework they are contributing to.

My blog is all custom made with CI4, that's why it is lightning fast!  Cool But I understand why Lonnie chose Wordpress. It takes time to build a web app and I'm sure he doesn't have a lot of free time at the moment. In my case, I had time and I wanted something really simple but with some specific features, without the bloat of Wordpress. Also, it's a lot more fun to build everything with CI than fiddling with Wordpress.
CodeIgniter 4 tutorials (EN/FR) - https://includebeer.com
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