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CI4 not registering view with Smarty

I have noticed that if I use smarty template engine, debug bar always shows "Views 0" and no template data. Is there any way to modify debugger to correctly pick up smarty and provided data to the template?

Of course.
1. You need to create a provider class that will implement the RenderInterface, pass all Smarty calls and generate data for the toolbar.
2. Override the renderer service in which you will instantiate the above class.


(10-13-2021, 04:21 PM)iRedds Wrote: Of course.
1. You need to create a provider class that will implement the RenderInterface, pass all Smarty calls and generate data for the toolbar.
2. Override the renderer service in which you will instantiate the above class.


Wow, you just flexed on me so hard Big Grin . Any instructions how to do that?

This was the instruction.

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