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Questions on use of Git/Github

(This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 05:12 AM by richb201.)

One of the issues (besides my lack of modern programming knowledge) in what I do is documenting the activities of developers for accounting purposes. I have been fooling with Git lately while trying to develop a procedure to have both a production environment and a debugging environment  at the same time. 

Anyway I was thinking that the use of the Git log would be a great way to document the activities of developers at some time in the past. I am just learning git and wanted some opinions on the use of git and github for such a task. IMO, a Git commit would prove certain aspects of development work.
Here are some questions I have:
1) where is the gitlog of a repo kept? If I am developing on my laptop and you are developing on your laptop, and we are both checking out code from github, where is the list of my commits kept? Is it up on the project's Github repo or is it on my local laptop? 

2) I pretty much use S3 and RDS mysql  in my app. Do you see any issue with uploading a user's gitlog to S3 (an aws nosql datastore) so that I can analyze it? Would management have security issues with this? Would it be better if the analysis was done locally on the laptop and only the results were uploaded to S3 to alleviate that worry? BTW, all of the results of the analysis would be confidential. 

3) What do you think about using Git logs in general? Is this a bad thing to do? I pretty much deal with larger software projects with multiple developers. What are the github implications? As a developer how would you feel if you knew that your commit comments were being used by accounting in a statistical analysis?

Thanks for your opinions,

proof that an old dog can learn new tricks

Thanks John. I don't know what a workflow is? I will look into it.
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks

First of all, you need to understand Git concept.
Git is a distributed version control system.

> If I am developing on my laptop and you are developing on your laptop, and we are both checking out code from github, where is the list of my commits kept? Is it up on the project's Github repo or is it on my local laptop?

It is on your local laptop. Unless you push it to GitHub.

GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories.

In fact, it's wildly cool that you think about little things like that. I wonder how you solve this problem. I wish you the best of luck.

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