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Codeigniter and phpstorm and github

That raises some good questions. I actually developed under docker, not to make my life more difficult, but to be able to be sure that my code would run the same on the server as it does on my localhost. Alas, I found that some of tools I want to use REQUIRE that the app be running on the live internet. So much for my plans. So I then found that I needed two servers, one which is wired specifically to allow phpStorm to do remote debug. Then I found that I needed separate databases for the staging server (debug) and the production server. Then I need different docker-compose files for each to attach them to the correct database.

Now on top of all of this, I need to keep two copies of the code. I guess that mean that I need two repos. Now a while ago I had someone create a CICD tunnel from my production repo on github. I guess this means that once I update this repo, the code will automatically get transferred to the live production server? But where does my staging repor live? Is that just a branch from the main (CICD) repo?

I guess I need someone to set up my github development environment?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks

Messages In This Thread
Codeigniter and phpstorm and github - by richb201 - 10-23-2021, 09:25 AM
RE: Codeigniter and phpstorm and github - by richb201 - 10-24-2021, 03:17 PM

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