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retrieving data from a database and re-retrieving from another database

(This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 10:42 PM by Secux.)

how to i make the following request correctly and optimized?

PHP Code:
$BusinessOwnership $this->BusinessOwnership->where('userID'session()->get('id'));

$BusinessOwnership as $row) {
$data['business_profile'] = $this->BusinessProfile->where('id'$row['BusinessID']);

in this case it does not work

$BusinessOwnership - you must return one or more results with BusinessID, then extract information from BusinessProfile by id-> BusinessID

can anyone give an idea how to do it?

Join table using SQL?

(10-25-2021, 07:26 AM)nfaiz Wrote: Join table using SQL?

I want to use a model only

@Secux ,

(Using a join can be used in the Model) You can do what @nfaiz suggested by creating a more complex query. (Use this link https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/datab...cific-data. Then scroll up looking for $builder->join() )


You could create a view in the database that joins both tables then in CI call the database view with your parameters.

Please avoid N+1 query (unless you have a different DBGroup connection)

@Secux ,

How where you able to solve your problem?

(10-26-2021, 05:33 AM)php_rocs Wrote: @Secux ,

How where you able to solve your problem?

I found this solution. I don't know how correct and optimized it is
PHP Code:
        $list_business $this->BusinessOwnership->where('userID'session()->get('id'))->get()->getResult('array');

         if (!empty(
$list_business)) {
$i 0;
             foreach (
$list_business as $row) {
$listBusiness[$i] = $this->BusinessProfile->where('id'$row['businessID'])->orderBy('id''asc')->findAll();
$data['business_profile'] = $listBusiness

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