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PHP is Killing Python

I ran into this interesting article and felt it was worth a reading recommendation.


(11-11-2021, 06:10 PM)php_rocs Wrote: I ran into this interesting article and felt it was worth a reading recommendation.


Great article, thanks

Thanks for sharing this article here. Good job.

Thanks @php_rocs, I found the article very interesting.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Thanks for sharing this article here. Yeah, it looks like a good one. Carry on!

php was intended for the web ; python wasn't .

For web use php is probably more applicable and easier true; there are however web frameworks like flask.

My guess is , your most likely to get into python if your a Linux user since its there by default.

Python is pretty huge and there are areas like AI.

I've got a python elf on arch AUR ; it gets fastest mirrors from web relevant to Country your in and writes them to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist .Summary title should be : php still cuts it against python webwise .
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Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

It's an interesting read. Thank you for recommending it!

That's so interesting. Your sharing is very helpful for everyone

interesting article

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