Quickchart package not found |
I use CI4 on WAMP and PHP 7.3.5. I've installed ianw/quickchart package to create PNG chart and put it in a html page. Next I convert it in PDF with dompdf. In a model I wrote PHP Code: use Ianw/Quickchart; When I use : PHP Code: $qc = new QuickChart(array( I don't know why. Can you help me ?
The problem might be from the namespace. You need to answer some questions:
- How did you install the package? Composer or manually? - Where exactly is the package located? Check the file for the correct namespace to use.
Must be a name space issue, where did you install the package at (directory structure)?
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
PHP Code: use Ianw\Quickchart;
Code below works. You do not add row "use Ianw/Quickchart;"
PHP Code: $qc = new \QuickChart([
See https://packagist.org/packages/ianw/quickchart
https://github.com/typpo/quickchart-php/...kChart.php It is not namespaced. \QuickChart is correct. |
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