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An uncaught Exception was encountered

(03-21-2022, 12:47 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: Your solution there is telling me that it is not finding the MySQL files. Which maybe a configuration setup problem.
But wait and see if one of the development teams comments back to you.

I agree. If I understood the logic being used in the PHP code, I could suggest a solution to the problem. All I did was track back the error to a point where there had to be an issue. I seen the socket setting was blank for the mysqli connect function and dropped in the socket info. The thing I don't get is why isn't the setting in the database configuration? I see socket logic in the code but where is it being set at?

Messages In This Thread
RE: An uncaught Exception was encountered - by ChicagoPhil - 03-21-2022, 08:01 AM

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