Have you ever wanted to contribute to CodeIgniter? And related questions... |
For example,
- review the pull requests: https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni...dated-desc - fix reported bugs: https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni...abel%3Abug
yes it will be reaaly good thing if i do this
because CodeIgniter is a great platform to learn and discus the things
If you want to try to contribute (sending PRs), check this issue:
https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni...ssues/6815 This is simple refactoring.
There have been plenty of times I've wanted to contribute to the wed docs. I'm pretty new with web development in general. I taught myself html back when modems did that screechy thing and html frames were common practice. My background since was in scenic design for theatre and general graphic design. I have picked up web development as an obsessive ADHD hobby in the last year and a half. All I wanted to know is what happens backstage when you submit a form. That sent me down a hyper rabbit hole of procedural php, Javascript SQL, any other language I find needing to learn. Learning OOP and php MVC frameworks seemed inevitable. CI SEEMED like it was going to be the easiest to learn ( I don't know how many versions ago, but at least 4 point something). Well, because I like graphic design it was super important I could load my own stylesheets, but no matter what I tried and no matter how many forums I visited, i couldn't get them to work. And when things get too hard for squirrel brain, here I lose interest. So I went in search of other frame works. Laravel...Way too many dependencies... Symfony, Laminas, Cake, even Yaf and Phalcon, Tried them all there was a downsides to all of them. (Phalcon's pretty sweet actually, and I should give Cake another go round now that I understand more, anyhoo....). I don't know if I changed of if CI changed in the last half year, but I came back to it and my stylesheets and any other assets load just right.
As far as contributing, as a newbie to web dev in general I don't think I could contribute to the source code other than bringing up issues on GitHub, I will usually try everything and search everywhere for a solution before I do that. There are some times when reading the documentation on the website, from a graphic design perspective , and a newbie perspective, that I think visual presentation of information could be clearer and more detailed. I would love to help contribute to the website's docs. First, I WANT A SCROLL TO TOP BUTTON!!!! on mobile at least. You have one on this forum, why not the docs? I don't know how to use GitHub very well other than Issues or I'd do that. I would take mentorship on that. I'm pretty sure I installed git for windows somewhere along the way...
Always futzing with my Holodeck program...
Please try to build the user guide.
In my opinion, the big reason is communication barriers - If the primary language of communication within the project is not a developer's native language, they may feel hesitant to contribute due to potential language barriers. Maybe this is the big reason.
Yes, I have wanted to contribute to CodeIgniter in the past, but a couple of factors have held me back. One of the main challenges I encountered was the lack of clear documentation on how to get started with contributing to the project. It would be beneficial to have a comprehensive guide or resources that outline the contribution process, coding standards, and areas where help is needed the most. Additionally, I found it difficult to find specific tasks or issues suitable for my skill set. Having a well-maintained issue tracker or a list of beginner-friendly tasks could help newcomers like me find meaningful ways to contribute and make a difference. Lastly, as someone who is relatively new to the open-source community, I felt a bit intimidated by the existing contributors and their expertise. Having a welcoming and supportive community that actively encourages and mentors new contributors would greatly enhance the experience and attract more people to participate. Overall, I believe addressing these challenges by improving documentation, providing clear guidance for newcomers, and fostering a friendly community would greatly encourage more people to get involved in CodeIgniter's development. Thank you.
We have the guide for contributions.
Read https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni.../README.md |
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