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Attendance Process Taking Too long

I am working on a attendance management system, It gets data from device and saves it on a table (this part is fine since i dont have to do anything for this the device api does it for me.) . What I have to do is process the data and get attendance sheet. In between that I have to visit through quite a lot of table and do a lots of looping. My senior already did all that and has left the company. But now comes the problem I have to change somethings in it. like make 2 days weekend and stuffs like that, well this part is not that hard. The hard part is that when I run the function it takes quite a lot of time. If a company has 100 users and have to process 1 months data it takes around 2 - 3 hours. What the function is currently doing is:-
1. Looping through all employees.
2. Get all devices for that company
3. getting employee data from devicelog table ( which the device sends and saves data to) filtering by from and to date
4. looping through the data from 3 and getting data based on shift
5. looping through the shift data to get checkin time checkout time , present, absent, weekend, holiday, leave
6. weekend, holiday, leave have their own function that checks which is which

and there are some functionality inbetween. and after that the finally processed data is saved to attendance table. The function starts at line 41 and ends in line 681. Any good tips on how to tackle it.

@lazyme114 ,

There could be a combination of things that could be looked at to determine where the bottle neck is. Here are some questions you might want to consider. What queries are run during this process? Are these queries efficient? Have you done a query analysis on the queries to determine if the tables used in the queries have proper indexes? Have you tried running the EXPLAIN statement on the queries? This could give you very useful information about how efficient your queries are.

(04-12-2022, 07:52 AM)php_rocs Wrote: @lazyme114 ,

There could be a combination of things that could be looked at to determine where the bottle neck is.  Here are some questions you might want to consider.  What queries are run during this process?  Are these queries efficient?  Have you done a query analysis on the queries to determine if the tables used in the queries have  proper indexes?  Have you tried running the EXPLAIN statement on the queries?  This could give you very useful information about how efficient your queries are.
I am not sure on how to do " query analysis on the queries to determine if the tables used in the queries have  proper indexes". I have done quite a lot of projects but it seems like their is still quite a lot to learn.

Another thing to add, although I'm not too much of a fan of async and await in PHP, is that 8.1 ships withs 'fibres'

So you could potentially async and await parts of the processes to speed it up (not tested though)
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(04-12-2022, 10:30 PM)ignitedcms Wrote: Another thing to add, although I'm not too much of a fan of async and await in PHP, is that 8.1 ships withs 'fibres'

So you could potentially async and await parts of the processes to speed it up (not tested though)

As much as I want to update to PHP 8.1, I can't afford to. I don't think my codebase is PHP 8 proof. My current PHP version is 7.4.19

@lazyme114 ,

Can you show us some code?

(04-13-2022, 06:05 AM)php_rocs Wrote: @lazyme114 ,

Can you show us some code?

This is the whole code: - 
PHP Code:
public function index()

 try {


$user_data $this->session->userdata();
$check_exist $this->db->where("company_id"$user_data['company_id'])->get("bf_attendance_sync");
 if (
$check_exist->num_rows() > 0) {
$last_sync_date date("Y-m-d"strtotime($check_exist->row()->last_sync_date));
$current_date date("Y-m-d");
$updated_date $check_exist->row()->updated_on;
 } else {
$last_sync_date $current_date date("Y-m-d");

$dateformat $this->web_setting_model->get_value('dateformat');
 if (
$dateformat == 'BS') {
$picker_class "npdatepicker";
$df englishToNepali($last_sync_date);
$dt englishToNepali($current_date);

 if (isset(
$updated_date)) {
$updated_date englishToNepali($updated_date);

 } else {
$picker_class "datepicker";
$df $last_sync_date;
$dt $current_date;

 if (!empty(
$_POST)) {

 if (
$this->session->userdata('company_id') > 0) {

 if (
$dateformat == 'BS') {
$datefrom nepaliToEnglish($this->input->post('df'));
$dateto nepaliToEnglish($this->input->post('dt'));
 } else {
$datefrom $this->input->post('df');
$dateto $this->input->post('dt');

$company_id $this->session->userdata('company_id');
$company $this->company_model->find($company_id);
$allemployee $this->employee_model->where(array('company' => $company_id'status' => 'ACTIVE'))->find_all();
$start strtotime($datefrom);
$attend2 = array();
 if (
$allemployee) {
 foreach (
$allemployee as $ae) {
$alldevicedata $this->general_model->db->where(
'enrollNumber' => $ae->id,
'companyid' => $company_id,
'status' => '0',
'date(signinDate) >=' => date('Y-m-d'strtotime($datefrom)),
'date(signinDate) <=' => date('Y-m-d'strtotime($dateto))
order_by('enrollNumber, signinDate, signinTime''ASC')

$i 0;
$attend = array();
$checks = array();

if ($alldevicedata) {
 foreach (
$alldevicedata as $k => $add) {
$checks[$add->signinDate]['data'][] = $add->signinTime;
$checks[$add->signinDate]['branch_id'][] = $add->branch_id;

$empid $ae->empid;
$attend[$empid] = $checks;
//$start = strtotime("+1 day", $start);
$start strtotime($datefrom);
while ($start <= strtotime($dateto)) {

$shift_id $this->shift_model->get_employee_shift(date('Y-m-d'$start), $ae->empid);
$shift_detail $this->shift_model->find($shift_id);

 if (empty(
$attend[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)]['data'])) {
// if there is no fingerprint
$attend2[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)] = null;
$attend2[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)]['shift_id'] = $shift_id;
 } else {
// if there is fingerprint
$attend2[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)] = $attend[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)];
$attend2[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)]['shift'] = $shift_detail;
$attend2[$empid][date('Y-m-d'$start)]['shift_id'] = $shift_id;
//$attend2[$empid][date('Y-m-d', $start)]['branch_id'] = $
$start strtotime("+1 day"$start);




$attendance = array();
 if (
$attend2) {
 foreach (
$attend2 as $empID => $emp_attend) {
 foreach (
$emp_attend as $att_date => $attval) {
$current_date strtotime($att_date);
$breakout '';
$breakin '';
$checkin '';
$checkout '';
$remark '';
$class '';
$checkin_branch '';
$checkout_branch '';
$present_days '0';
$extras 0;

 if (@
$attval['shift']->single_punch == 'YES') {
 if (
count(@$attval['data']) > 0) {
$remark "P";
$class "present";
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][0] != ''$checkin_branch $attval['branch_id'][0];
 if (
count(@$attval['data']) <= 1) {
$checkout '';
 } else {
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][count($attval['data']) - 1] != ''$checkout_branch $attval['branch_id'][count($attval['data']) - 1];
$present_days '1';
 } else {
$remark "A";
$class "absent";
$checkin $current_date;
$present_days '0';

 } else if (@
$attval['shift_id'] == '-1') {
// employee has day off in the roster;
$remark "DO";
$class "dayoff";
$checkin $current_date;
$present_days '0';

 } else if (empty(
$attval['data'])) {

$shift $this->shift_model->find($attval['shift_id']);
// if there is no data it happens when: weekend, leave or holiday;
$dayofweek date('w'$current_date);

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);

 if (
$dayofweek == @$shift->weekend) {
$remark "W";
$class 'weekend';
 } else if (
$this->employee_model->check_holiday($att_date)) {
$remark "H";
$class 'holiday';
 } else if (
$leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';
 } else {
$remark 'A';
$class 'absent';

$out_checkin date('Y-m-d'$current_date);
$outarr explode('-'$out_checkin);
//                    echo $att_date . "::" . $remark . '<br>';
//                    if (!$this->employee_model->check_ret_present($empID, $outarr[0], $outarr[1], $outarr[2])) {
//                        $remark = 'A';
//                        $class = 'absent';
//                    }
$checkin $current_date;
$present_days '0';

 } else {
// if there is data;
if ($attval['shift']->enable_break == 'YES') {
//break is there in the shift

 if (count($attval['data']) == 1) {

 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === ===

 $checkin = date('H:i', strtotime('+' . $attval['shift']->late_arrival . " minutes", strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin)));

 if ($attval['shift']->mark_single_punch == "P") {
 $remark = 'P';
 $class = 'present';
 } elseif ($attval['shift']->mark_single_punch == "A") {
 $remark = "A";
 $class = "absent";
 } elseif ($attval['shift']->mark_single_punch == "HP") {
 $remark = "HP";
 $class = "half_present";
 } else {
 $remark = "L";
 $class = "late";

 } else
if (count($attval['data']) < 2) {
 if (
$att_date == date('Y-m-d')) {
$checkin date('H:i'strtotime('+' $attval['shift']->late_arrival " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin)));

 if (
strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]) >= strtotime($att_date ' ' $checkin)) {
$remark 'P';
$class 'present';
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][0] != ''$checkin_branch $attval['branch_id'][0];
 } else {
$remark 'L';
$class 'late';
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][0] != ''$checkin_branch $attval['branch_id'][0];

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);
 if (
$leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';

 } else if (
count($attval['data']) == 2) {
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]);
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][1]);

 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][0] != ''$checkin_branch $attval['branch_id'][0];
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][1] != ''$checkout_branch $attval['branch_id'][1];

$vcheckin date('H:i'strtotime('+' $attval['shift']->late_arrival " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin)));
$vcheckout date('H:i'strtotime('-' $attval['shift']->early_departure " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkout)));
$shift_checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $vcheckin);
$shift_checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $vcheckout);

 if ((
$checkin <= $shift_checkin) && ($checkout >= $shift_checkout)) {
$remark "P";
$class "present";
 } else {
$remark 'L';
$class 'late';

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);
 if (
$leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';
 } else if (
count($attval['data']) > 2) {
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][0] != ''$checkin_branch $attval['branch_id'][0];
 if (
count($attval['data']) == 3) {
$breakout strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][1]);
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][2]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][2] != ''$checkout_branch $attval['branch_id'][2];
 } else {
$breakout strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][1]);
$breakin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][2]);
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)] != ''$checkout_branch $attval['branch_id'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)];

$vcheckin date('H:i'strtotime('+' $attval['shift']->late_arrival " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin)));
$vcheckout date('H:i'strtotime('-' $attval['shift']->early_departure " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkout)));
$shift_checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $vcheckin);
$shift_checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $vcheckout);
 if ((
$checkin <= $shift_checkin) && ($checkout >= $shift_checkout)) {
$remark "P";
$class "present";
 } else {
$remark 'L';
$class 'late';

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);
 if (
$leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';
// end if enable break is yes else {
else {
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $attval['data'][0]);
 if (@
$attval['branch_id'][0] != ''$checkin_branch $attval['branch_id'][0];
$vcheckin date('H:i'strtotime('+' $attval['shift']->late_arrival " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin)));
$vcheckout date('H:i'strtotime('-' $attval['shift']->early_departure " minutes"strtotime($attval['shift']->checkout)));
$shift_checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' $vcheckin);
$shift_checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' $vcheckout);

 if (
$att_date == date('Y-m-d')) {
 if (
count($attval['data']) > 1) {
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
 if ((
$checkin <= $shift_checkin) && ($checkout >= $shift_checkout)) {
$remark "P";
$class "present";
 } else {
$remark 'L';
$class 'late';

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);
 if (
$leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';
 } else {
 if (
$checkin >= $shift_checkin) {
$remark 'P';
$class 'present';
 } else {
$remark 'A';
$class 'absent';
 } else {
 if (
count($attval['data']) == 1) {
$remark 'L';
$class 'late';
 } else if (
count($attval['data']) >= 2) {

 if (
$attval['shift']->type == 'ROUNDTIME' && (strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin) > strtotime($attval['shift']->checkout))) {
//$checkout = strtotime($att_date . ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
$next_day date('Y-m-d'strtotime($att_date ' + 1 day'));
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
$checkout strtotime($emp_attend[$next_day]['data'][0]);
 } else {
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);

// $checkout = strtotime($att_date . ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
if (@$attval['branch_id'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)] != ''$checkout_branch $attval['branch_id'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)];
 if ((
$checkin <= $shift_checkin) && ($checkout >= $shift_checkout)) {
$remark "P";
$class "present";
 } else {
$remark 'L';
$class 'late';

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);
 if (
$leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';
 } else {
 if (
$attval['shift']->type == 'ROUNDTIME' && (strtotime($attval['shift']->checkin) > strtotime($attval['shift']->checkout))) {
//$checkout = strtotime($att_date . ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
$next_day date('Y-m-d'strtotime($att_date ' + 1 day'));
$checkin strtotime($att_date ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);
$checkout strtotime($emp_attend[$next_day]['data'][0]);
 } else {
$checkout strtotime($att_date ' ' . @$attval['data'][(count($attval['data']) - 1)]);

 if ((
$checkin <= $shift_checkin) && ($checkout >= $shift_checkout)) {
$remark "P";
$class "present";
 } else {
$remark 'A';
$class 'absent';
//end if there is data

$empl $this->employee_model->find($empID);
$eshift $this->shift_model->find($empl->shift);
$half_day_hour = ($eshift->daily_attendance == '') ? $eshift->daily_attendance;

$leave $this->employee_model->check_leave($empID$att_date$company_id);
 //echo('<br>' . $empID . ',' . $att_date . ',' . $company_id);
if ($leave) {
$leave_type $this->general_model->db->where('leave_typeID', @$leave->leave_type)->get('leave_type')->row();
$remark = (@$leave_type->leave_code != '') ? $leave_type->leave_code 'OL';
$class 'leave';

$att_temp = array();
$att_temp = array(
'company_id' => $company_id,
'employee_id' => $empl->id,
'checkin' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'$checkin),
'remarks' => $remark,
'css_class' => $class
if ($remark != 'A' && @$checkout != '') {
//echo $checkin . "-" . $checkout . "<br>";
$kstart date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @$checkin));
$kend date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @$checkout));
$diff date_diff($kstart$kend);
// echo $diff->h . '>=' . $half_day_hour . ' =' . $empl->id . '--' . date('Y-m-d', $checkin) . '<br>';
if ($diff->>= $half_day_hour) {
$present_days '1';
 } else {
$present_days '0.5';
 } else {
$present_days '0';
$att_temp['present_days'] = $present_days;

 if (@
$checkout$att_temp['checkout'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'$checkout);
 if (@
$breakout$att_temp['break_out'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'$breakout);
 if (@
$breakin$att_temp['break_in'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'$breakin);

 if (
$checkin_branch != ''$att_temp['checkin_branch_id'] = $checkin_branch;
 if (
$checkout_branch != ''$att_temp['checkout_branch_id'] = $checkout_branch;

 if (
$this->employee_model->check_holiday(date('Y-m-d', @$checkin), $company_id)) {
$att_temp['present_days'] = '0';
$att_temp['remarks'] = 'H';
$dayofweek date('w'$current_date);
 if (
$dayofweek == @$eshift->weekend) {
$att_temp['present_days'] = '0';
$att_temp['remarks'] = 'W';
$att_temp['css_class'] = 'weekend';

//                if ($att_temp['css_class'] == 'absent' || $att_temp['css_class'] == 'weekend' || $att_temp['css_class'] == 'holiday') {
//                    $myreturn = $this->employee_model->check_ret_present($empl->id, $att_date);
//                    //echo 'retrun: ' . $myreturn . "<br>";
//                    if (!$myreturn) {
//                        $att_temp['present_days'] = '0';
//                        $att_temp['remarks'] = 'A';
//                        $att_temp['css_class'] = 'absent';
//                    }
//                }

$attendance_ins[] = $att_temp;
//                if ($empl->id == '14') {
//                    displayArr($att_temp);
//                }

 if (
$attendance_ins) {
 foreach (
$attendance_ins as $index => $ai) {
$early_attend $this->general_model->db->where(
'date(checkin)' => date('Y-m-d'strtotime($ai['checkin'])),
'company_id' => $company_id,
'employee_id' => $ai['employee_id']

$extras 0;

// === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === ===  LATE CALCULATION  === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
 // === === === === === === === === === === === === ===

$late_deduction $this->web_setting_model->get_value("late_deduction");

$absentHour null;
$shift_hour null;
 if (
$late_deduction == "yes") {
$absentHour 0;
$shiftCheckIn = new DateTime($eshift->checkin);
$shiftCheckOut = new DateTime($eshift->checkout);
$checkin $ai['checkin'];
$checkout $this->_check_checkout($ai['checkout'], $ai['checkin'], $shiftCheckOut);

$lateArrival $eshift->late_arrival;
$earlyDeparture $eshift->early_departure;
$half_attendance $eshift->daily_attendance 60;
$totalWorkedHour strtotime($ai['checkout']) - strtotime($ai['checkin']);
$shiftArr $shiftCheckIn->diff($shiftCheckOut);
$work_hour $totalWorkedHour 60;
$shift_hour $shiftArr->60 $shiftArr->i;
$total_shift_hour $shift_hour;

 if (
$lateArrival) {
$shift_hour $shift_hour $lateArrival;

 if (
$earlyDeparture) {
$shift_hour $shift_hour $earlyDeparture;

 if (
$work_hour 0) {
 if (
$work_hour $half_attendance && $work_hour <= $shift_hour) {
$absentHour $shift_hour $work_hour;

 if (
$early_attend) {
$dayofweek date('w'strtotime($ai['checkin']));

 if ((
$dayofweek == @$eshift->weekend) || ($this->employee_model->check_holiday($ai['checkin']))) {
 if (
$early_attend->checkin != '' && $early_attend->checkout != '') {
$kstart date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'strtotime($early_attend->checkin)));
$kend date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'strtotime($early_attend->checkout)));
$diff date_diff($kend$kstart);

 if (
$diff->>= 3) {
$extras 1;
 } else if (
$diff->1.5) {
$extras 0.5;
 } else {
$extras 0;

 if (
$early_attend->edited_by == '') {
//echo $ai['checkin'] . ':' .
$update_ai = array(
'remarks' => $ai['remarks'],
'css_class' => $ai['css_class'],
'checkin' => $ai['checkin'],

 if (@
$ai['checkout'] != ''$update_ai['checkout'] = $ai['checkout'];
 if (@
$ai['break_out'] != ''$update_ai['break_out'] = $ai['break_out'];
 if (@
$ai['break_in'] != ''$update_ai['break_in'] = $ai['break_in'];

 if (@
$ai['checkin_branch_id'] != ''$update_ai['checkin_branch_id'] = $ai['checkin_branch_id'];
 if (@
$ai['checkout_branch_id'] != ''$update_ai['checkout_branch_id'] = $ai['checkout_branch_id'];
 if (@
$ai['present_days'] != ''$update_ai['present_days'] = $ai['present_days'];
$update_ai['extra'] = $extras;
$update_ai['absent_hour'] = $absentHour;
$update_ai['shift_hour'] = $total_shift_hour;

$this->general_model->db->update('attendance'$update_ai, array(
'attendance_id' => $early_attend->attendance_id)
 } else {
$nai['extra'] = $extras;
$nai['absent_hour'] = $absentHour;
$nai['shift_hour'] = $total_shift_hour;
$this->general_model->db->update('attendance'$nai, array(
'attendance_id' => $early_attend->attendance_id)
 } else {
$dayofweek date('w', @$checkin);
 if ((
$dayofweek == @$eshift->weekend) || ($this->employee_model->check_holiday($checkin))) {
 if (
$ai['checkin'] != '' && $ai['checkout'] != '') {
$kstart date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @$checkin));
$kend date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @$checkout));
$diff date_diff($kstart$kend);
 if (
$diff->>= 3) {
$extras 1;
 } else if (
$diff->1.5) {
$extras 0.5;
 } else {
$extras 0;

$ai['extra'] = $extras;
$ai['absent_hour'] = $absentHour;
$ai['shift_hour'] = $total_shift_hour;



// last sync date add

$insert_data = array(
"last_sync_date" => $dateto,
"created_by" => $user_data['user_id'],
"company_id" => $user_data['company_id']

 if (
$check_exist->num_rows() > 0) {
 } else {

 } catch (
Exception $exception) {

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