I have a form, where I add a dropdown, regarding an other dropdown. If I send the form, it gives me an error back, if I had not select something in the first dropdown. But if I do so, my ajax-form is shown and I could select something, but if I send the form, it does not execute anything. But the network tools shows data, which looks like the controller was called. Maybe someone can help me out. I have to say, this are my first experiences with ajax, so the problem could be there.
This is my form:
PHP Code:
<?= form_open('coin/update/mass'); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php foreach ($objects AS $in) : ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<select id="massEdit" name="massEdit" onchange="getDropdown()" class="form-control">
<option value="">Massmanipulation...</option>
<option value="moveToCollection">Move to collection</option>
<option value="moveToLocation">Move to location</option>
<div class="col" id="newDropdown">
<div class="col">
<?= form_submit('submit', 'Go', 'class="btn btn-warning"') ?>
<script type="application/javascript">
var cappx = "<?= $csfrManually ?>"
function getDropdown(csfr = cappx) {
document.getElementById("newDropdown").innerHTML = csfr;
var data = {
cappx: csfr,
action: document.getElementById("massEdit").value
url: '/collection/api/getMassEditList',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success:function(data) {
cappx = data.hash
document.getElementById("newDropdown").innerHTML = data.target
<?= form_close(); ?>
Then I have this ajax-controller-part
PHP Code:
case 'getMassEditList':
return json_encode([
'mission' => 'success',
'hash' => csrf_hash(),
'target' => form_dropdown('massTarget', $list, '', 'class="form-control"'), // So its made by CI-tools and works
And this is the controller
PHP Code:
public function update($force = NULL)
switch ($force)
case 'stammdaten':
case 'pictures':
case 'history':
case 'mass':
if ($this->request->getVar('massEdit') == 'moveToCollection')
$field = 'collection_id';
elseif ($this->request->getVar('massEdit') == 'moveToLocation')
$field = 'location_id';
session()->setFlashdata('messages', 'Auswahl fehlt.');
$this->coinModel->set('$field','', false);
$this->coinModel->whereIn('id', $whereIn);
echo $this->coinModel->getCompiledUpdate();
//return redirect()->back()->withCookies();
None of this "die()" breaks the execution. Also the redirect could not be this in this controller. The execution breaks if I send the form without executing the ajax-part. But if I do so, the request header shows, that the controller is called
scheme: https
host: [...]
filename: /coin/update/mass
Adresse: [...]
Status: 302 Found
And I see the request with all data from the form, including the ajax-part
"cappx": "837a3845af674a27d29e2388368dd224",
"massEdit": "moveToCollection",
"massTarget": "8",
"submit": "Go"
I'm out, I have no idea what happens here. Maybe someone has an idea what I doing wrong here maybe or how to call the controller right, if an ajax-form-part is used... I don't know, this are my first ajax-lines I do.
Thank you!