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Connect to Remote SQL Server

(This post was last modified: 05-19-2022, 02:59 AM by aussenseiter.)

Hello guys, this is my first post in the forum..
I have problem with an existing project build with CI 3. So, I'm trying to connect this project from my local computer to remote SQL Server using this configuration.

PHP Code:
$db['mssql'] = array(
  'dsn'          => '',
  'hostname' => '[xxx.xx.xxx.xx]',
  'port' => 1433,
'username' => 'dbusername',
'password' => 'dbpassword',
'database' => 'project_database',
  'dbdriver'    => 'sqlsrv',
  'dbprefix'    => '',
  'pconnect'    => FALSE,
  'db_debug'    => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
  'cache_on'    => FALSE,
  'cachedir'    => '',
  'char_set'    => 'utf8',
  'dbcollat'    => 'utf8_general_ci',
  'swap_pre'    => '',
  'encrypt'      => false,
  'compress'    => FALSE,
  'stricton'    => FALSE,
  'failover'    => array(),
  'save_queries' => FALSE
I've tested those configuration using SMSS and it connected just fine. But in Codeigniter, it always throw "Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings." error. I cant find any decent example how to config database to Remote SQL Server. 
Can anyone here help give some pointers or any example to help fix this problem?

Finally solved it after long stressfull hours. It turns out I installed an old ODBC driver that's not compatible with MSSQL on remote database server. So, all I need to do is re-install latest ODBC driver and everything finally work as expected.

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