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RESTFul route + search terms via querystring

Dear all,

I would like to add a search method to my restful resource controller.

Currently I have this line in my Config\Routes.php:

PHP Code:
$routes->resource('api/products', ['controller' => 'Api\Products']); 

What should I add to my routes to be able to browse to localhost/api/products/?category=food&maxPrice=10 and to call an underlying Api\Products\Search() method with passing the search term(s) to it.

Thank you

In the index() method, check for the presence of values. And there you can already call the method or not call it.
Routes only work with a path.

(06-29-2022, 09:55 AM)iRedds Wrote: In the index() method, check for the presence of values. And there you can already call the method or not call it.
Routes only work with a path.

Well, routes are working with path, but you can still need to use querystrings (typically in a search/filter context).

Finally, I made it with 2 different routes :

PHP Code:
$routes->resource('api/products', ['controller' => 'Api\Products']); 

I can then define a proper search() method within my controller without having to pass thru index()

PHP Code:
class Products extends ResourceController
    public function search()
        $arrFilters $this->request->getVar();

        $res serializer_instance()->toArray(repo_instance()->getProductRepo()->findBy($arrFilters));
        if (!$res) return $this->failNotFound();
        return $this->respond($res);

Note that the search can take several parameters thru the getVar() array so that following call is working /public/api/products/search/?maxprice=10&category=beverages&subcategory=beer

Yes, your implementation has the right to life.
But from a practical point of view, it does not make sense.
The index method returns the entire list, adding a filter (search) also returns the list. So what's the difference?

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