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Design Pattern question: how to "merge" Entities and Models?

(This post was last modified: 08-03-2022, 06:11 AM by tgix.)

I have a case where I'd like to mimic the JavaScript front-end design but can't see the best to do that in CI4 using the Models and Entities.
The system has an Admin with multiple settings (+50) for various parts of the system. I want to allow an Admin to be member of one or more AdminGroup where these 50+ settings can be stored and managed. In JS I have created a AdminGroupModel containing the settings and then an AdminModel extending AdminGroupModel and adding additional fields such as firstname, lastname and email. 
My rationale for this approach is that I only have to manage the settings in one place, for example when adding new features.
So for this to work, in AdminModel I need to merge the protected properties defined in AdminGroupModel with the fields required for the AdminModel. Same for the Entities defined.
I have been thinking like this:

(UPDATE: corrected some mistakes with the scope that I found so far)

PHP Code:
class AdminGroupModel extends BaseModel
    protected $commonFields = [
        // Defining all common settings here, such as:

    public function 
__construct(?ConnectionInterface &$db null, ?ValidationInterface $validation null)
$fields get_class_vars(self::class)['commonFields'];
$this->allowedFields += $fields;


And then in AdminModel:
PHP Code:
class AdminModel extends AdminGroupModel

    protected $allowedFields = [

Would this be a viable approach? Any hints greatly appreciated.

AdminModel contains fields from commonFields in the table?
I didn’t quite understand the question, maybe it’s worth looking towards afterFind () to set values.
Your version looks to be working.
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

(08-03-2022, 11:17 PM)ozornick Wrote: AdminModel contains fields from commonFields in the table?
I didn’t quite understand the question, maybe it’s worth looking towards afterFind () to set values.
Your version looks to be working.

Yes, the tables for Admin and AdminGroup contains the same fields for historical reasons. Now with additional requirements we would like to make it possible to "OR" the fields from Admin with zero or more AdminGroup(s).

(This post was last modified: 04-24-2024, 05:07 AM by stevelogan.)

Your approach of using models and entities to organize AdminGroups and settings seems practical for managing over 50 settings for an Admin across various parts of the system. By centralizing settings management, you streamline the process and ensure consistency. Regarding the role of design thinking in finance sector https://dworkz.com/article/design-thinki...enges-and/, it helps create intuitive interfaces for managing complex financial data, ensuring users feel confident and secure when conducting transactions online. Integrating design thinking leads to more user-friendly and secure financial applications.

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