(12-27-2022, 12:24 AM)kenjis Wrote: I don't know what do you exactly mean by "a big lazy monster",
If you throw an Exception at the very start of some Controller in CI you will see stack trace of 4 (four) function calls initiated from index.php
In Laravel there will be 40+ calls with many 3-rd party libraries involved (mostly from Simphony)
I actually use only `routing` service of the backend framework and my request goes through 40+ other code blocks. That's unreasonable for me and that's regarding `big`
Why Laravel is `lazy` can be seen in benchmarks
Also development speed on CI is much faster than on Laravel
I'm not opposed to CI improving its architecture, but there must be a measure and a reason for everything.
It could turn out that the changes required to support Swoole will attract 5% of new users, but bring a bad experience to 50% of existing ones
Like the case you mentioned when CI3 to CI4 got slower with "Hello world" benchmarking. Wasn't it just a not needed database connection openning btw?