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CI_DEBUG environment override

Is it possible to override the CI_DEBUG constant in app/Config/Boot/development.php?

I would like to override this in .env without editing the development.php file so different environment can turn this on/off without committing the CI_DEBUG file change.

I have tried the following (below) with no success:

CI_DEBUG = false
development.CI_DEBUG = false
boot.development.CI_DEBUG = false
development.CI_DEBUG = 0
boot.development.CI_DEBUG = 0

If this is not possible by default, any suggestions on how to implement a solution into development.php to make it read the .env variables?

Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
CI_DEBUG environment override - by doitlikejustin - 10-19-2022, 11:24 AM
RE: CI_DEBUG environment override - by kenjis - 10-27-2022, 12:22 AM
RE: CI_DEBUG environment override - by kenjis - 10-28-2022, 05:15 PM

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