A few UI observations (for Clean Blue):
a) on FF Mac, the 'magnifying glass' search-button gets wrapped to a second line
b) when you click on a table column-header (to sort), sort arrows are right-aligned, while the column-header text is left-aligned. This can easily create the misconception that the arrows belong to the next column to the right. I personally prefer the bg-color-column-header technique used in the 'default' theme (I guess it needs a new name, doesn't it?), even though it doesn't imply direction (ASC vs DESC). I think a big part of web 2.0 UI design is dropping gazillion-option-fine-grained-control interfaces in favor of fewer, simpler choices.
c) so in a similar spirit, I think the pagination-editable-field ("1/1") will give a few expert-users a tiny bit of power at the cost of seeming very unfamiliar to the majority of users. Also, as a lesser issue, the pagination arrow buttons do not inuitively 'feel' disabled to me (I think the color is not subdued enough). Hard to say without having a multipage example, but...
Anyhow, seems to be coming along nicely.
Also, I'm guessing you know this already, but the related-example widget does not survive form validation - if I add a few selections from the left box to the right one, but skip some other required field and try to submit, when I am re-presented the form with the error/validation message the previous selections have been lost from the right-side of the related example widget.