This all looks really cool! I just wish I had the knowledge to use it. Can't seem to be able to make pages.
Heres what I did:
1. Followed Install made sure everything works -- it does great!
2. I added a new table to db and propagated it with some data -- it appears in menu with forms and everything YA!
3. Attempted to create a YML file called news.yml (relates to news table) with 2 fields like
4. That seemed to work so I got a bit more adventurous and added this
class: TextBox
class: TextArea
class: RadioGroup
1: y
2: n
doh! I get this error
Quote:Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\Documents and Settings\Tobz\Desktop\websites\Admin4AFBJJ\SITE4\codex\application\libraries\spyc.php(511) : eval()'d code on line 1
5. So I try creating a page. I copy the example page and change all the example parts to news, also changing my news.yml to news_form.yml. I commented out the ruleset in both places and went to url "backend.php/news"
DOH! same error.
I guess its cause I've never used YAML and I have no doc's to look at.
I understand you're feelin the burn. I know your pain buddy. hut:
So I'll check back next project and see how your doing. I'd offer my help but I'm to noob :down:
If anyone can shed some light on where I'm going wrong to help me understand this I will document out ALL plugins as I discover them.